Thursday, October 29, 2015

Essential Oils for your Chakras {Solar Plexus Chakra}


The Solar Plexus Chakra {Manipura Chakra} is your third chakra, located halfway between your navel and the base of your sternum.  This is the chakra associated with our willpower and personality; it is where our gut instinct comes from.

To connect with your solar plexus chakra consider the following:

How can you trust your gut instinct, if you don't have a healthy gut?  Rosemary essential oils  is an effective remedy for tummy aches.  Rub a few drops into the bottom of your feet or onto your belly to aid with digestion.

Cleanse your gut with a refreshing beverage.  Add a couple drops of Grapefruit essential oil to a large glass of spring {or filtered} water for a refreshing beverage that will aid in detoxifying your body {and maybe aid in weight loss, too - your willpower will love that!}.

Feeling energetic?  Make a healthy cleaning spray with a few drops of Lemon essential oil and spring water in a spray bottle and get cleaning!  Not feeling so energetic?  Diffuse Lemon essential oil {which naturally elevates moods} and meditate with the mantra, "I accept myself completely."

Essential Oils are a natural, pure option for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.  Ask me how you can incorporate the natural benefits of essential oils into your life!

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