Saturday, October 31, 2015

Essential Oils for your Chakras {Heart Chakra}


The Heart Chakra {Anahata Chakra} is your fourth chakra, located in the center of your chest, next to your heart.  Often thought of as the green chakra point, the heart chakra can also be connected with the color pink. Th energy of the heart chakra is associated with love, kindness, compassion and balance.

To connect with your heart chakra consider the following:

Geranium essential oil is a wonderful oil for emotional support.  Balance yourself with a meditation chanting "I love and appreciate myself as I am.", while breathing in the gorgeous aroma of Geranium essential oil diffused in your aromatherapy diffuser.

Bring a little love into the... bedroom!  Create a wonderful massage oil with Bergamot essential oil and a carrier oil - such as fractionated coconut oil or hazelnut oil {I've also use olive oil in a pinch!}.  Add a few drops of calming Bergamot to a palm full of your carrier oil and massage your partner with love and compassion.  

Balance your immune system and promote healthy circulation with a little boost from Tangerine essential oil.  Add a couple drops of Tangerine into a veggie capsule or a glass or spring water and consume!

Essential Oils are a natural, pure option for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.  Ask me how you can incorporate the natural benefits of essential oils into your life.

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