Friday, November 6, 2015

Essential Oils for your Chakras {Crown Chakra}


The Crown Chakra {Sahasrara Chakra} is your seventh chakra, located at the crown of your head.  The crown chakra is connected to your cosmic consciousness, spirit, bliss, understanding and enlightenment.

To connect with your crown chakra consider the following:

Create an uplifting environment while you meditate with Myrrh essential oil. Diffuse in your home aromatherapy diffuser a few drops of Myrrh to promote awareness and uplift your mood.  Breathe slow, deep breaths and chant the mantra, "Ah."

To have bliss while awake, one must sleep well at night.  Rub a couple drops of Juniper Berry or Lavender essential oils on soles of your feet before bed, and awake refreshed and renewed.

A simple solution for headache relief is Frankincense essential oil.  Massage a drop of Frankincense essential oil onto each temple and feel the headache subside.

Vetiver essential oil is known as the Woman's Oil because of its uplifting properties and ability to balance moods, especially during menstrual cycles.  Consider taking a warm bath with 5 or 6 drops of Vetiver essential oils added.  Dim the lights, light a few candles, and allow yourself to connect with your feminine spirit.  

Essential Oils are a natural, pure option for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.  Ask me how you can incorporate the natural benefits of essential oils into your life!

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