Monday, November 2, 2015

Essential Oils for your Chakras {Throat Chakra}

The Throat Chakra {Vishuddha Chakra} is your fifth chakra, located in your throat.  As you might expect, the throat chakra is related to your speaking and communication, however it is also connected to healing and creativity.

To connect with your throat chakra consider the following:

Diffusing Basil essential oil in your home aromatherapy diffuser will promote clearer breathing when you are suffering from congestion, or more serious lung concerns like bronchitis.

Ever get lost in thought while brushing your teeth?  It can be a meditative process, right?  Why not take it a step further and apply a drop or two of Spearmint essential oil onto your toothbrush and give yourself a little mouth massage.  Brush those teeth and freshen your breath!

Heal thyself the next time you get a cold with one of my favorite oils, Eucalyptus.  Amazing as a decongestant and cough reliever, Eucalyptus essential oil can be applied topically to the chest.  Either apply a couple drops directly, or if you have sensitive skin, consider mixing it with a tablespoon of a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil.  Additionally, you can drop a couple drops into the palm of your hand, rub your palms together, then inhale the aroma deeply.

Essential Oils are a natural, pure option for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.  Ask me how you can incorporate the natural benefits of essential oils into your life.

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