Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Essential Oils for your Chakras {Third Eye Chakra}

The Third Eye Chakra {Ajna Chakra} is your sixth chakra, located between your eyebrows.  Your third eye chakra is where your intuition is derived, in addition to clairvoyant abilities and psychic senses.

To connect with your third eye chakra consider the following:

How can you connect with your intuitive and psychic abilities if you're stressed all the time?  Cypress essential oil, when diffused in your aromatherapy diffuser, can help relieve anger, tension, and anxiety.  So get diffusing and then meditate with the mantra, "I am wise."

Enjoy the calming effects of Roman Chamomile with a soothing tea before bed.  Dilute 2 drops of Roman Chamomile into 8 ounces of warm water and sip.  The tea will aid you in a deeper night's sleep allowing for improved dream recollection in the morning.

Create a refreshing yoga spray with Peppermint essential oil!  During your end of yoga class relaxation pose, called savasana or corpse pose, consider spritzing water mixed with a couple drops of Peppermint essential oil all over your body.  The cooling properties of the Peppermint will help provide relief to your overheated body.  {This would be perfect for a Bikram {Hot} yoga class!}

Essential Oils are a natural, pure option for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.  Ask me how you can incorporate the natural benefits of essential oils into your life!

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